Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions of Membership
1. Title:
The name of the Society shall be ‘South Hants Vehicle Preservation Society’, herein after referred to as the Society.
2. Aims & Objectives:
(i) The aim of the Society through its activities is the preservation of Veteran, Vintage and Historical Transport, and related items which are promoted through regular meetings, rallies and social events.
(ii) The Society will promote and encourage an interest in owning, running, maintaining and restoring Veteran, Vintage and Historic Vehicles Machinery and Transport related items being of at least 25 years of age.
(iii) To encourage a social atmosphere for the well being of all society members.
(iv) To organise and support rallies and social events as requested by members.
(v) Customised vehicles are expressly excluded. This includes ‘hot rods’ and vehicles deemed to be modified too far beyond the manufacturer’s original design intent. Any decision on suitability will be decided upon by the serving Committee.
3. Membership:
(i) Membership of the Society is open to all interested person. Applications for membership under 16 years of age shall have the written consent of his/her parent/guardian.
(ii) Application for membership shall be sent to the Registrar in written form; the committee reserve the right to refuse membership or renewal without giving a reason.
(iii) New members joining the society shall be required to pay a joining fee.
(iv) Membership shall convey the same rights and responsibilities to both the member and the joint member, including voting rights and eligibility to serve on the Committee but excluding the right to a second Society publication.
(v) Member’s details will be held on the Society’s register and printed in the yearly workshop manual. (See: 20 Privacy Policy)
4. Subscriptions:
(i) All members shall be required to pay an annual subscription, which shall become due on January 1st each year.
(ii) Subscriptions shall be reviewed and set by the Committee, based on the recommendations of the Treasurer.
(iii) Application for membership between July 1st to December 31st shall only be required to pay half annual subscription.
(iv) Only fully paid up members and their guests may take part in events of the Society.
(v) At the discretion of the Committee, any member whose subscription has lapsed will cease to be entitled to membership benefits until subscriptions are fully paid.
5. Liability:
(i) Neither the society nor members of the Committee shall be responsible in any way for any injury or damage to persons or property, howsoever caused whilst partaking in any Society activity.
(ii) ALL DRIVERS of motor vehicles taking part in activities of the Society, whether on or off the public highway, shall make certain that they are adequately covered by insurance suitable for the event in which they intend to participate.
6. Accounts:
(i) A bank account shall be operated in the name of the Society. Cheques in excess of six hundred and fifty pounds (£650) shall require the signature of two of the following; Treasurer, Chairman or Secretary.
(ii) The Society’s financial year shall end on the 30th September each year.
(iii) Accounts of the Society shall be verified by Independent Examiner(s) elected annually at the AGM as a non Committee post.
(iv) The Treasurer is responsible for the maintenance of accounts and their submission at each Committee or General meeting of the Society.
(v) Members shall have the right to inspect the accounts by request in writing to the Treasurer.
(vi) The Committee shall have the right to appoint a deputy for the Treasurer, and/or the Independent Examiner in the event that the person in office is unable to carry out his/her duties.
(vii) The Society may invest surplus funds; the choice of investment to be made by the Committee.
7. AGM:
(i) An Annual General Meeting shall be held in the autumn of each year.
(ii) Fourteen (14) days’ notice in writing with attached agenda shall be issued to all members prior to an AGM. Posting to last known address shall be suffice as giving due notice.
(iii) The Treasurer shall make available copies of accounts for inspection at the meeting.
(iv) Twelve (12) members, including members of the committee shall form a quorum.
(v) Items intended for inclusion on the agenda at the AGM must be submitted in writing to the Secretary, together with names of proposer and seconder (who may not be on the same membership), not less than forty (40) days prior to the date of the AGM. These must be submitted in hard copy, either by post or by hand; electronic communication, i.e. email or text, will not be accepted.
(vi) Members shall be entitled to vote by proxy; either the Chairman or another member may be nominated to vote on their behalf. This option must be declared, in hard copy format and delivered either by post or by hand, to the Secretary fourteen (14) days before the AGM/EGM.
8. EGM:
(i) The Committee shall be bound to call an Extraordinary General Meeting if requested to do so; it will require at least four (4) members to put their request in writing to the Committee
(ii) The Committee shall also have the right to call an EGM when matters arise concerning the Society’s constitution or its implementation..
(iii) The notice shall specify the nature of the business; fourteen (14) day’s notice shall be given to all members.
(iv) Twelve (12) members, including members of the committee shall form a quorum.
9. Voting:
(i) All members whose subscriptions are not in arrears shall be entitled to a vote at all General Meetings. See section 3 (iv) with reference to nominated partner’s rights.
(ii) A two-thirds majority will be necessary to carry out a resolution; to alter add to or delete from the constitution of the Society. A simple majority will be required for all other propositions.
10. Minutes:
(i) Minutes of each Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting shall be taken, and copies circulated to all members by inclusion in the first available magazine following the meeting.
11. President:
(i) The Society may invite a suitable person to act as President. The initial period of office shall be three years, which may be extended at the discretion of the Society. The Society may similarly invite a suitably interested persons to act as Vice President.
12. Committee:
(i) The affairs of the Society shall be managed by a Committee consisting of not less than five (5) and not more than fifteen (15) members of the Society.
(ii) Committee members shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
(iii) All existing Committee members shall retire annually at the AGM, and are eligible for re-election.
(iv) The Committee shall have the authority to co-opt members on to the Committee who shall be entitled to vote.
(v) After four (4) years continuous service on the Committee, a member shall be required to obtain a two-thirds (2/3) majority at the AGM in order to retain his/her position on the Committee. In subsequent years the same rule shall apply.
(vi) Minutes of the monthly Committee meetings shall be taken by the minutes Secretary. These can be made available to members at the discretion of the Committee.
(vii) If a member wishes to attend a Committee meeting, arrangements must be made with the Secretary at least even (7) days prior to the meeting.
13. Nominations for Elections:
(i) All paid up members are eligible for election to the committee.
(ii) Nominations for election shall be proposed and seconded by paid up members, with the agreement of the nominee. Voting to take place at the AGM.
14. Events:
(i) The committee shall appoint a member to organise each event, and he/she shall be responsible to the Treasurer for the finance of the event. The accounts for each event shall be submitted to the Treasurer within two weeks of the event.
(ii) The Society shall not financially support non-Society events.
15. Guests:
(i) Members may include a maximum of two (2) guests, twice a year, at Society events, but such guests shall be bound by the constitution of the Society
(ii) All such guests shall be bound by the Society’s constitution and it shall be deemed that members shall draw their guests’ attention to item 5 of this constitution.
(iii) Persons who have had either membership or renewal refused by the Committee, or who have been expelled from the Society, shall not be permitted as guests.
16. Expulsion of Members:
(i) The Committee shall have the power to expel or suspend any member, who in their opinion is guilty of violating the Society’s constitution, or of conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the Society.
(ii) Any member against whom such action is taken shall have the right to appeal in writing (hard copy format) delivered by post or by hand, to the Secretary within fourteen (14) days. This will then be heard at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose by the Committee.
(iii) The appeal will be decided by private ballot of the members present.
(iv) The appellant may seek representation by a fellow Society member.
(v) The Committee has the right to remove a fellow Committee member from the Committee who, in their opinion, is guilty of violating the Society’s constitution or of conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the Society, by giving two (2) verbal warnings at a committee meeting, which shall be recorded in the meeting minutes, followed by a majority vote of no confidence. The Committee’s decision shall be final in this respect and there shall be no right of appeal.
17. Equipment:
(i) The Society may acquire and maintain equipment necessary for the use at meetings and event.
(ii) Such equipment shall be kept by responsible members who shall take sensible precautions for its safe keeping.
(iii) A register of such equipment and its whereabouts is to be maintained by the committee.
(iii) No item of equipment belonging to the Society shall be disposed of without the approval of members at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting.
18. Gratuities:
(i) From time to time the Committee may wish to recognise when a member’s actions have made an outstanding contribution to the Society. Any gratuities offered under these circumstances, e.g. complimentary tickets to the Society’s annual awards evening, etc. have no alternative monetary value.
(ii) Similarly, all members who offer their time and services to support Society events, including the annual Classic Vehicle Show and Auto Jumble, will be deemed to be acting in a purely voluntary capacity, attracting no financial reward or remuneration.
19. Winding Up:
(i) If resolved at the Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting the Society shall be disbanded, the funds shall be donated to worthy causes at the discretion of the Committee.